Art.-Nr. 557803

Шуруп по бетону UltraCut FBS II CP 10x65 10/-/- SK

Anwendung und Zulassung

  • ETA-15/0352
  • ETA-20/0134
  • DoP No. 0185
  • DoP No. 0227
  • DoP No. 0311
  • 20200238-2


1 / 7
Fixture adjustment
1 / 3
1 / 2

Technische Daten

Допуск ETA
Допуск DIBt
Диаметр просверливаемого отверстия (
Мин. глубина сверления при сквозном монтаже (
Шуруп (
ds x ls
12,0 x 65
Глубина закручивания и полезная длина (
hnom1 / tfix
55 / 10
Тип шлица TX50
Количество 50
GTIN (EAN-Code) 4048962403404

Dokumente zum Download

European Technical Assessment for fischer concrete screw ULTRACUT FBS II - Mechanical fasteners for use in concrete
Erstellt am 05.10.2020
Declaration of Performance for fischer concrete screw ULTRACUT FBS II (Mechanical anchor for use in concrete)
Erstellt am 19.10.2020
European Technical Assessment for fischer concrete screw UltraCut FBS II - Screw anchor for use in masonry
Erstellt am 14.07.2022
Declaration of Performance for fischer concrete screw UltraCut FBS II (screw anchor for use in masonry)
Erstellt am 28.07.2022
Declaration of Performance for fischer concrete screw ULTRACUT FBS II (Mechanical fastener for use in concrete)
Erstellt am 27.11.2020
pdf, 20200238-2
Examination Certifate
Erstellt am 13.10.2020
Concrete screw UltraCut FBS II US/SK - Permissible loads for a single anchor in masonry for Push-through installation.
Concrete screw Ultracut FBS II US hexagon head with integral washer and FBS II SK countersunk head - Permissible loads of a single anchor in normal concrete of strength class C20/25.
fischer UltraCut FBS II 8-14 GVZ/CP
UltraCut FBS II.